本帖最后由 meatball1982 于 2017-7-10 20:00 编辑
- clear all
- clc
- clf
- %% outline
- % find circle 4 Xiaopeng
- % it costs at least 500 RMB
- %% main %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % read image -------------------------------------
- % ima=imread('../file_imgs/img_cir_orig.jpg');
- ima=imread('../file_imgs/p1-1.png');
- se = strel('ball',10,3);
- eroded = imerode(ima,se); % splot the circles
- im=rgb2gray(eroded); % change to gray
- im(im<=82)=0;
- im(im>82)=500; % 2 values
- [cen,rad,met]=imfindcircles(im,[9 14],'ObjectPolarity','bright',...
- 'Sensitivity',0.973,'EdgeThreshold',0.02); % find circles
- [hi,bi]=hist(rad,40); % hist radius
- hi = hi./sum(hi); % percents
- save Mat_tm.mat
- %% fit distribution %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- load Mat_tm.mat
- % fit gaussian -----------------------
- x_bin=bi;
- x_plot= linspace(8,16,200);
- x1=linspace(min(x_bin),max(x_bin),200);
- y1 = hi;
- fx=@(b,x)1/(b(1)*sqrt(2*pi*b(2))).*exp(-(x-b(3)).^2/(2*b(2)^2));
- b0=[2,11,0.5];
- b=b0;
- for l=1:20
- % Solve nonlinear curve-fitting problems in least-squares sense.
- % just a guess.
- b=lsqcurvefit(fx,b,x_bin,y1);
- % Nonlinear regression,
- b=nlinfit(x_bin,y1,fx,b);
- end
- b1=b;
- y_hi1 = fx(b1,x_plot); % for plot gaussian distribution
- % fit log gaussian --------------------------
- fx_log =@(b,x) 1./x ./(b(1)*sqrt(2*pi*b(2))) .* exp(-(log(x)-b(3)).^2/(2*b(2)^2));
- b0_log0 = [ 2 11 0.5 ];
- b=b0;
- for l=1:20
- % Solve nonlinear curve-fitting problems in least-squares sense.
- % just a guess.
- b=lsqcurvefit(fx_log,b,x_bin,y1);
- % Nonlinear regression,
- b=nlinfit(x_bin,y1,fx_log,b);
- end
- b1_log=b;
- y_hi1_log = fx_log(b1_log,x_plot); % for plot gaussian log distribution
- save Mat_fit.mat
- %% plot results %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- load Mat_fit.mat
- sbp_width=0.85;
- sbp_heig=0.8;
- n_row = 2;
- n_col = 3;
- [out_pos]=fun_mm_subplot_pos(n_row,n_col,sbp_width,sbp_heig);
- h=figure(1)
- set(h, 'Position', [100, 100, 1000, 550]);
- % subplot(2,3,1)
- ax=axes('position',out_pos(1,:));
- imshow(ima)
- ax=axes('position',out_pos(2,:));
- imshow(eroded)
- ax=axes('position',out_pos(3,:));
- imshow(im)
- hBright = viscircles(cen, rad,'EdgeColor','r','linewidth',0.5);
- ax=axes('position',out_pos(4,:));
- imshow(ima)
- hBright = viscircles(cen, rad+10,'EdgeColor','r','linewidth',0.5);
- ax=axes('position',out_pos(5,:));
- plot(rad,'ko','markerfacecolor','k','markersize',3)
- axis([ 0 length(rad) 9 14])
- ax=axes('position',out_pos(6,:));
- barh(bi,hi,'c','edgecolor','none')
- hold on
- plot(y_hi1,x_plot,'b-','linewidth',2)
- plot(y_hi1_log,x_plot,'m-','linewidth',2)
- legend('hist','gau','log')
- axis([0 1.1*max(hi) 9 14])