http://www.ilovematlab.cn/forum. ... p;extra=#pid3224636
- clear all
- clc
- %% outline
- % break y axis
- %% main
- x=linspace(0,10*pi,100);
- % y1 = sqrt(3)/3*x +8;
- y=exp(x/7)+sin(x)-30;
- y_break_start = 10;
- y_break_end = 25;
- break_type_w = 'Wave';
- % h=BreakPlot(x,y,y_break_start,y_break_end,break_type);
- break_type_R = 'RPatch';
- % figure;
- subplot(1,2,1)
- plot(x,y,'.')
- % subplot(2,2,2)
- % % BreakPlot(rand(1,21),[1:10,40:50],10,40,'Line');
- % h=BreakPlot(x,y,y_break_start,y_break_end,break_type_R);
- subplot(1,2,2)
- h=BreakPlot(x,y,y_break_start,y_break_end,break_type_w);
- % hold on
- % plot(x,y1,'r-')
- h=gcf;
- fi_na=['./fig_split_y_axis'];
- fun_work_li_035_myfig_out(h,fi_na,3);
- %% logs
- % mod : 31-May-2017 09:07:50
- %
- function h=BreakPlot(x,y,y_break_start,y_break_end,break_type)
- % BreakPlot(x,y,y_break_start,y_break_end,break_type)
- % Produces a plot who's y-axis skips to avoid unecessary blank space
- %
- % x
- % y
- % y_break_start
- % y_break_end
- % break_type
- % if break_type='RPatch' the plot will look torn
- % in the broken space
- % if break_type='Patch' the plot will have a more
- % regular, zig-zag tear
- % if break_plot='Line' the plot will merely have
- % some hash marks on the y-axis to denote the
- % break
- %
- % USAGE:
- % figure;
- % BreakPlot(rand(1,21),[1:10,40:50],10,40,'Line');
- % figure;
- % BreakPlot(rand(1,21),[1:10,40:50],10,40,'Patch');
- % figure;
- % BreakPlot(rand(1,21),[1:10,40:50],10,40,'RPatch');
- % figure;
- % x=rand(1,21);y=[1:10,40:50];
- % subplot(2,1,1);plot(x(y>=40),y(y>=40),'.');
- % set(gca,'XTickLabel',[]);
- % subplot(2,1,2);plot(x(y<=20),y(y<=20),'.');
- %
- % Michael Robbins
- % robbins@bloomberg.net
- % michael.robbins@bloomberg.net
- % data
- if nargin<5 break_type='RPatch'; end;
- if nargin<4 y_break_end=40; end;
- if nargin<3 y_break_start=10; end;
- if nargin<2 y=[1:10,40:50]; end;
- if nargin<1 x=rand(1,21); end;
- y_break_mid=(y_break_end-y_break_start)./2+y_break_start;
- [x_mid_val,ind] = min(abs(y-y_break_mid));
- x_break_mid = x(ind);
- b_shift= y_break_start-sqrt(3)/3*x_break_mid;
- b_shift
- x_break_mid
- y_break_mid
- % erase useless data
- x(y>y_break_start & y <y_break_end)=[];
- y(y>y_break_start & y <y_break_end)=[];
- % leave room for the y_break_end
- % % [junk,i]=min(y>=y_break_end);
- % % if i>y_break_end
- % % x=[x(1:i-1) NaN x(i:end)];
- % % y=[y(1:i-1) y_break_mid y(i:end)];
- % % end;
- % remap
- y2=y;
- y2(y2>=y_break_end)=y2(y2>=y_break_end)-(y_break_end-y_break_start);
- % plot
- h=plot(x,y2,'.');
- % h=plot(x,y,'.');
- % make break
- xlim=get(gca,'xlim');
- ytick=get(gca,'YTick');
- [junk,i]=min(ytick<=y_break_start);
- y=(ytick(i)-ytick(i-1))./2+ytick(i-1);
- dy=(ytick(2)-ytick(1))./7;
- xtick=get(gca,'XTick');
- x=xtick(1);
- dx=(xtick(2)-xtick(1))./2;
- n_int=100;
- switch break_type
- case 'Wave',
- dx=(xlim(2)-xlim(1))./10;
- % xx = xlim(1)+dx.*[0:101];
- xx = linspace(xlim(1),xlim(end),n_int);
- % yy = sin(xx)+sqrt(3)/3*xx+ytick(i-1)+(ytick(i)-ytick(i-1))./2;
- % yy =sqrt(3)/3*xx+b_shift;
- yy = dx*sin(xx/6*pi)+ sqrt(3)/3*xx+b_shift;
- patch([xx(:);flipud(xx(:))], ...
- [yy(:)+2*dy;flipud(yy(:)-2.*dy)], ...
- [1 1 1])
- case 'Patch',
- % this can be vectorized
- dx=(xlim(2)-xlim(1))./10;
- yy=repmat([y-2.*dy y-dy],1,6);
- xx=xlim(1)+dx.*[0:11];
- patch([xx(:);flipud(xx(:))], ...
- [yy(:);flipud(yy(:)-2.*dy)], ...
- [1 1 1])
- case 'RPatch',
- % this can be vectorized
- dx=(xlim(2)-xlim(1))./100;
- yy=y+rand(101,1).*2.*dy;
- xx=xlim(1)+dx.*(0:100);
- patch([xx(:);flipud(xx(:))], ...
- [yy(:);flipud(yy(:)-2.*dy)], ...
- [.8 .8 .8])
- case 'Line',
- line([x-dx x ],[y-2.*dy y-dy ]);
- line([x x+dx],[y+dy y+2.*dy]);
- line([x-dx x ],[y-3.*dy y-2.*dy]);
- line([x x+dx],[y+2.*dy y+3.*dy]);
- end;
- set(gca,'xlim',xlim);
- % map back
- ytick(ytick>y_break_start)=ytick(ytick>y_break_start)+y_break_mid;
- for i=1:length(ytick)
- yticklabel{i}=sprintf('%4.3d',ytick(i));
- end;
- set(gca,'yticklabel',yticklabel);