引别人的帖子。设置matlab 图中坐标轴的颜色。就是一个记录。
https://www.mathworks.com/matlab ... -axis-colour-matlab
- X = 1 : 20;
- Y = rand(1, 20);
- subplot(2, 2, [1 3]);
- hold on
- plot(X, Y, 'gs-');
- grid on;
- xlabel('UTM Easting (m)');
- ylabel('UTM Northing (m)');
- % Get handle to current axes.
- ax = gca
- % This sets background color to black
- ax.Color = 'k'
- ax.YColor = 'r';
- darkGreen = [0, 0.6, 0];
- ax.XColor = darkGreen;
- ax.GridColor = 'y';
- ax.GridAlpha = 0.9;
- ax.FontSize = 15;
- ax.FontWeight = 'bold';
- hold off