- clear all
- clc
- clf
- %% outline
- % test radarplot
- %% main
- % P=rand(13,2);
- % P(:,1)=P(:,1)*180/pi;
- % P(:,2)=20*P(:,2);
- % radarPlot(P)
- nPoints = 4;
- nDimensions = 6;
- P = rand(nDimensions, nPoints);
- P
- pointNames = arrayfun( @(i)sprintf('p_{%d}', i),...
- 1:nPoints, 'UniformOutput', false);
- radarPlot(P, 'o-','LineWidth', 4, 'MarkerFaceColor', [0,0,0])
- % radarPlot(P, 'o-','LineWidth', 4)
- legend(pointNames{:}, 'Location', 'Best');
- title('Radar Plot Demo');
- % RADARPLOT spiderweb or radar plot
- % radarPlot(P) Make a spiderweb or radar plot using the columns of P as datapoints.
- % P is the dataset. The plot will contain M dimensions(or spiderweb stems)
- % and N datapoints (which is also the number of columns in P). Returns the
- % axes handle
- %
- % radarPlot(P, ..., lineProperties) specifies additional line properties to be
- % applied to the datapoint lines in the radar plot
- %
- % h = radarPlot(...) returns the handles to the line objects.
- function varargout = radarPlot( P, varargin )
- %
- % demo
- %%%%%%%%
- % nPoints = 4;
- % nDimensions = 6;
- % P = rand(nDimensions, nPoinhts);
- % P
- % pointNames = arrayfun( @(i)sprintf('p_{%d}', i),...
- % 1:nPoints, 'UniformOutput', false);
- %
- % radarPlot(P, 'o-','LineWidth', 3, 'MarkerFaceColor', [0,0,0])
- % legend(pointNames{:}, 'Location', 'Best');
- % title('Radar Plot Demo');
- %%%%%%%
- %%% Get the number of dimensions and points
- [M, N] = size(P);
- %%% Plot the axes
- % Radial offset per axis
- th = (2*pi/M)*(ones(2,1)*(M:-1:1));
- % Axis start and end
- r = [0;1]*ones(1,M);
- % Conversion to cartesian coordinates to plot using regular plot.
- [x,y] = pol2cart(th, r);
- hLine = line(x, y,...
- 'LineWidth', 1.5,...
- 'Color', [1, 1, 1]*0.7 );
- for i = 1:numel(hLine)
- set(get(get(hLine(i),'Annotation'),'LegendInformation'),...
- 'IconDisplayStyle','off'); % Exclude line from legend
- end
- toggle = ~ishold;
- if toggle
- hold on
- end
- %%% Plot axes isocurves
- n_cir=4;
- % Radial offset per axis
- th = (2*pi/M)*(ones(n_cir,1)*(M:-1:1));
- % Axis start and end
- r = (linspace(0.1, 0.9, n_cir)')*ones(1,M);
- % Conversion to cartesian coordinates to plot using regular plot.
- [x,y] = pol2cart(th, r);
- hLine = line([x, x(:,1)]', [y, y(:,1)]',...
- 'LineWidth', 1,...
- 'Color', [1, 1, 1]*0.5 );
- for i = 1:numel(hLine)
- set(get(get(hLine(i),'Annotation'),'LegendInformation'),...
- 'IconDisplayStyle','off'); % Exclude line from legend
- end
- %%% Insert axis labels
- % Compute minimum and maximum per axis
- minV = min(P,[],2);
- maxV = max(P,[],2);
- for j = 1:M
- % Generate the axis label
- msg = sprintf('x_{%d} = %5.2f ... %5.2f',...
- j, minV(j), maxV(j));
- [mx, my] = pol2cart( th(1, j), 1.1);
- text(mx, my, msg);
- end
- axis([-1,1,-1,1]*1.5)
- % Hold on to plot data points
- hold on
- % Radius
- R = 0.8*((P - (minV*ones(1,N)))./((maxV-minV)*ones(1,N))) + 0.1;
- R = [R; R(1,:)];
- Th = (2*pi/M) * ((M:-1:0)'*ones(1,N));
- % polar(Th, R)
- [X, Y] = pol2cart(Th, R);
- h = plot(X, Y, varargin{:});
- axis([-1,1,-1,1])
- axis square
- axis off
- if toggle
- hold off
- end
- if nargout > 0
- varargout{1} = h;
- end