- clear all
- clc
- clf
- %% compare lsfit and pca
- % outline:
- % 01 gen random points in rectangle
- % 02 rotate and shift rectangle
- % 03 ls fit
- % 04 pca
- % 05 plot result
- %% main
- % parameters ---------------------------------------------
- rng default
- n=5000; % points number
- the=-pi/6; % rotate angle
- %% 01 gen random points in rectangle ----------------------
- x=rand(n,1)*4-2;
- y=rand(n,1)*3-1.5;
- %% 02 rotate and shift rectangle --------------------------
- x_new= cos(the)*x+sin(the)*y+3;
- y_new=-sin(the)*x+cos(the)*y+5;
- %% 03 ls fit ----------------------------------------------
- p=polyfit(x_new,y_new,1);
- y_p=p(1)*x_new+p(2);
- %% 04 pca -------------------------------------------------
- dat=[x_new';y_new']';
- [coeff,score,latent] = princomp(dat); % new version of matlab, use pca
- % rotate first PC back
- eye_mat=eye(2);
- eye_new=eye_mat*(coeff)^(-1);
- % gen pca line
- x_cen=mean(x_new);
- y_cen=mean(y_new);
- y_p_pca=eye_new(1,2)/eye_new(1,1)*(x_new-x_cen)+y_cen;
- % first PC angle
- atan(eye_new(1,2)/eye_new(1,1))*180/pi
- % second PC angle
- atan(eye_new(2,2)/eye_new(2,1))*180/pi
- %% 05 plot result------------------------------------------
- hold on
- plot(x,y,'b.') % plot ori points
- plot(x_new,y_new,'r.') % plot rotate points
- plot(x_new,y_p,'k-','linewidth',2) % ls fit line
- plot(x_new,y_p_pca,'g-','linewidth',2) % pca line(first PC)
- grid on
- axis equal
- legend('ori point','rot point','ls fit','PCA','Location','southeast')
- % option: output fig
- % h=gcf;
- % fig_na=['../imgs/fig_01_comp_lsfit_pca'];
- % fun_work_li_035_myfig_out(h,fig_na,3);
- %% logs
- % mod :