本帖最后由 meatball1982 于 2018-1-16 14:04 编辑
- clear all
- clc
- clf
- %% outline
- % plot BING
- % contact meatball1982@163.com
- % if u really, really got problem with this m file.
- %% main
- % generate data
- [x,y,z]=peaks(100);
- % get the contour line
- [C,h]=contour(x,y,z,18);
- % get the structure, close the contour
- S=contourdata(C);
- clf
- %% plot BING
- for i = 1: length(S)
- s_lev(i,1)=S(i).level;
- end
- tm_s = unique(s_lev);
- n_col = length(tm_s);
- [loca,locb]=ismember(s_lev,tm_s); % get the lin color position in col_mm
- col_mm=jet(n_col);
- %% outplut
- % the normal one
- subplot(1,2,1)
- surf(x,y,z,'edgecolor','none')
- colormap(col_mm)
- view(-20,20)
- axis tight
- colorbar
- % grace BING plot
- subplot(1,2,2)
- hold on
- for i = 1:length(S)
- x_lin = S(i).xdata;
- y_lin = S(i).ydata;
- z_va = S(i).level;
- z_lin = z_va.*ones(size(x_lin));
- alp_va = abs(z_va./max(abs(z(:))))/2+0.5;
- % h=patch(x_lin,y_lin,z_lin,col_mm(locb(i),:),...
- % 'edgecolor',col_mm(locb(i),:)); % no transpancy
- h=patch(x_lin,y_lin,z_lin,col_mm(locb(i),:),...
- 'edgecolor',col_mm(locb(i),:),...
- 'facealpha',alp_va); % transpancy
- end
- axis tight
- view(-20,20)
- grid on