本帖最后由 meatball1982 于 2020-3-24 18:46 编辑
I have 10 png file, named as a00.png a01.png a02.png ....a09.png
you need the "ImageMagick" first
Mac install
- mogrify -resize 600x350 *.png
- convert -delay 100 *.png -loop 0 out.gif
mogrify is used for resize the png file.
convert is used for combine the png file.
some times , you have a00.png, b00.png a01.png b01.png ,... a09.png, b09.png
you want to combine a00.png b00.png into c00.png.
then generate the all_c.gif
- for((i=0;i<=9;i++))
- do
- montage -geometry 500 a0$i.png b0$i.png c0$i.png
- done